"…although there's not likely to be a new bestseller called The Cow Whisperer, given that cows are often misunderstood and underestimated by humans, you'll soon begin to understand why those who raise cows and those who try to mend them learn to love them."

When Rosalie Cooper-Chase joined a veterinary practice in her mid-20s as an assistant, she found her calling. She knew she wanted to help animals more than anything, but she probably didn't know at the time that she'd have to wade through ankle-deep mud, talk her way past packs of farm dogs, and deal with guard donkeys to do so.

What makes a young woman head off to the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine, only to find herself at the back end of a cow in the rain and the dark straightening the legs of a twisted calf so it can be born? Only the stories in Close Encounters of the Bovine can give you the answer.

Rosalie tells her tales - heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking - with simple honesty and unflinching detail. Her love of the animals she tries to help is always obvious, but it is her deep respect for cows that make them come alive as individuals, each worthy of consideration and care - even the lame bull with a nasty disposition.

You'll quickly discover that Rosalie brings more than skill, knowledge, and a love of animals to her life's work. She has an uncanny ability to understand animals and communicate with them. And although there's not likely to be a new bestseller called The Cow Whisperer, given that cows are often misunderstood and underestimated by humans, you'll soon begin to understand why those who raise cows and those who try to mend them learn to love them.

Rosalie's cows have personality and smarts. And they certainly have grit. Add a sense of humor and you'll also have a pretty good description of the author of this book about the adventures of an East Texas rural veterinarian.

Through Rosalie's eyes you'll see a newborn calf lying on the ground, struggling for its first breath, and you'll know the exhilaration and humility she feels at having saved its life and that of its mother. Whether delivering newborns or castrating young bull calves, Rosalie brings insight, compassion, and a sense of humor to every situation. You'll laugh. You'll cry. And you'll grow to appreciate the life of a veterinarian.




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